Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 4, 2012

Setting Up An Internet Cafe

Setting Up An Internet Cafe – Part 1

Starting an internet cafe (or cyber cafe or gaming center or net cafe) is not as difficult as everybody thinks, but things might get quite messy if you are clueless. From today onward, I will show on how to setting up a cyber cafe in 20 x 20 ft. premise.
The internet cafe (or cyber cafe or gaming center or net cafe) which I am going to set up is just a small cyber cafe which only has 10-20 units of computers for customers, 1 unit of managing computer and 1 Linux server for NAS (Network-Attach Storage), and can be used as web caching, proxy server etc.
This is just a basic and simple internet cafe just to shows on how setting up an internet cafe is done. In this article I will try to tell about electrical wiring planning, networking setup planning, suitable location for server, router, modem, scanner, printer and the counter.

At the end of the article you should have the knowledge on how to set up or built your own internet cafe (or cyber cafe or gaming center or net cafe) yourself, or at least you are not clueless anymore even though you just pay for every single jobs.

Continued from Setting Up An Internet Cafe – Part 1
When setting up an internet cafe layout, the most important thing might be the arrangement of the computers. That is including the arrangement of the tables where you want to put the computers on. The purpose of good arrangement is that the internet cafe will look neat and comfortable in the eyes of your customers. And you will be able to monitor the customers easily.
In the image below, there are already 10 sets of computers on 5 tables in the 20×20 ft. shop. Seems like it is a good arrangement, but it is not final. Of course, we can put more computers later.

On the images, the tables used are not in standard dimension. I have to use a different measurement of tables  to save some space so the customers will feel more comfortable. The width and height is the same as other computer table, but I use different depth.

Standard Table

Computer table dimension used
Standard computer table have 2.5 ft depth, but in this internet cafe shop I used computer table with 1.8 ft depth. If the standard depth is used, the arrangement in the most top image is not possible. But with the new measurement, it is easy and there is more space to utilize, such as to use bigger and comfortable chair seats.

After decided the measurement of the tables, it is easier to plan the layout. Then, I put all the 20 computers in the shop plan. Try to find the best layout. After a few change here and there, finally I found that the layout as you can see from the images below, which is the best of I can think. Of course, this is just my opinion.
internet cafe layout
internet cafe plan
plan for internet cafe
After we finalizing the layout, then it time to think about the electrical wiring.
Electrical wiring works should be done by licensed contractor, but you should know what the contractor have to do, such as how many sockets you want and where are they placed.
There should be a sufficient number of socket outlets in the internet cafe area for all your needs. For safety and for your own convenient, it is best to have 2 electric sockets for each computer. One for the CPU and another is for the monitor. For the speakers, USB powered speakers should be used.
But because of the high cost you might want to have just one electric socket for each computer. Make sure your computers’ power supply have power output for the monitor. In the future, when you have to replace the power supply, make sure you buy the right one, which have power output for the monitor.
computer's power supply units
Power supply with and without monitor's power output

suitable location of electric socket
Electric socket placement
Another thing to consider is electric sockets placement. It might be dangerous to place the socket too low from the floor.  It is dangerous for the customer and it is not so convenience. I think the best practice is to put the socket at the same height of the computer monitor and make sure it is placed behind the monitor.

If the computers are far away from the wall, consider to use a high quality extension socket. And for your properties and your own safety, do not connect multiple appliances to a single socket with a simple double adaptor or block socket adaptor. If necessary, use a multi-outlet safety plug board that has a built-in overload cutout feature.
Beside electric socket for the computers, there should be sockets for modem, switch, printer, scanner etc.

Continued from Setting up An Internet Cafe – Part 3
Unlike other types of shop, internet cafe needs one more wiring other than electrical wiring which is network cable wiring. A good planning is needed to suite the location of every device in the internet cafe.  Unlike electric wiring which only needs 3 to 6 cables in each electric wire casing to the switches, plug or sockets, network cable is exclusive one cable for each device. This is about Category 5 (Cat5/Cat5e) cable.  Cat 5 is required for basic 10/100 functionality, you would want Cat 5e for gigabit (1000BaseT) operation and Cat 6 or higher gives you a measure of future proofing.
If you do not want to work hard, there are many contractors who like to offer their services at a fair price and quality workmanship, but doing the job yourself is not as hard as you think. And it’s fun! (at least for me :) )
There is an old article I wrote about connecting all hardware in internet cafe. I wrote it in 2005, so it may have some outdated information.
In this article I will show you how I planned to connect the entire computer to one switch and to the router/modem and finally to the internet as the image below.

network plan in internet cafe
How do we connect a computer to a switch? A computer can be connected to a switch by a network cable. Common network cable used is Cat5. Each end of the cable has a plug, called RJ45 connector or plug. You can make the network cables yourself if you want to cut down the cost of setting up your own internet cafe. It is not so difficult. You only need Cat5 cable, RJ45 connectors, crimping tools and a lot of patience. Of course you must know how to arrange the wires by their colors.
RJ45 + Cat5 cable + Crimping Tool = Network Cable
RJ45 + Cat5 cable + Crimping Tool = Network Cable

And this is the latest ‘my’ internet cafe plan.
Internet Cafe Network Cable Wiring
One end of each cable from 14 computers will run through the ceiling via electrical ‘casing n capping’. For computers at the center, there is a permanent structure built for electrical and network wiring purpose. The casing is mounted on the structure then all the cables run through the casing to above the ceiling.
Network Cable Wiring in Internet Cafe
All rj45 plugs/cables from 14 computers run down from the ceiling through the casing and then are plugged into the switch’s port. The others 6 computers connected to the switch by the cables run through casing mounted at the wall.
Other then 20 computers for the clients, devices needed to be connected to the switch are modem with built-in router, computer at the counter, and perhaps a server ( I planned to put an Ubuntu server in the LAN for NAS (network-attach storage), squid cache server, proxy server and might be an intranet web server – refer to Part 1).  The switch I need is a 24 ports switch because I have 22 computers and 1 modem/router. So have only 1 extra port. Usually, there are 4 ports at the router/modem but one is used to connect to the switch. So overall I have 4 extra ports, which might be useful soon.

What to Consider Before Opening an Internet Cafe?

main factors for cyber cafe Internet cafe business is a very interesting business. Computer technology is evolving rapidly from day to day. Suppose you opened a cyber cafe business a year ago, computers that you bought at that time could be considered outdated. At present, broadband high-speed internet access is readily available everywhere and the rates are quite cheap. You only need to bring your own laptop or netbook if you want to access the Internet. What I see, internet cafes are no longer as they were introduced about ten years ago. However the internet cafe is still the choice for entrepreneurs as a business option. Most of them are from people interested in computer field. They get involved in internet cafes because of their interest in computers. Indeed you must have interest to last long in this business is full of many challenges in terms of competition, maintenance problems and customers variety.
Nowadays, Internet café customers are usually made up of youth aged 12 to 25 years. Why are they go to the Internet café? Is it because they have no computer at home? Off course they have their own computer at home, but actually they have much more fun to use computers at cyber cafes. Among the main reasons is that they can socialize with friends, exchange ideas in reality world about virtual world and to play some multiplayer game through the network.
Undeniably, if you intend to be involved in an internet cafe business, you have to think about how to attract young adults to the internet café. However, they are quite picky with the computer specifications. Indeed so, because they require a good computer specifications to meet the requirements of the latest games. If the computer is outdated how could they play the latest games?
Budget to buy the latest computer hardware should be included in your business plan. Do not be stingy and buy second hand or used computers. It only leads to failure of your business. How long do you expect the computer will be able to survive? Never mind if it did not last long but it also does not meet the needs of your customers.
Game and software that should be installed in the computer must meet customers’ requirements. You need to make a survey to find out what popular software and games in your area. Every area has different requirements. Expenditure on software is a little higher than the price of hardware. This is indeed a burden for the internet café entrepreneur, but it is not a barrier.
About the games choices, you need old and latest games in your Internet café. As an example, Counter Strike which is a ten years old game is still popular till today. Other games to consider are online games which have become more popular these years for example Last Chaos, Silkroad Online and many more. There are hundreds of online games you could choose at this time for your customers. It is really difficult to make a choice. That’s why you have to do a survey in your area.
​​Internet access speed also must be considered carefully. Choose the fastest speed available in your area. It also is one of the factors to attract customers come your cyber cafe. There are many sorts of Internet usage by clients while in a cyber café. Some of them like to play online game, while others are chatting on Facebook, download mp3 or watch videos on YouTube. All of these activities require a fast and stable internet connection. So choose wisely.
As a conclusion, Internet café business is indeed very interesting but it is also very challenging. Business planning should be made carefully. Customers, budget, applications, games and internet service quality are among the main things to consider before opening an internet café so that your business will be able to compete in the coming years.

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